Permits will not be issued after 4:30 pm at any location. There is a $10 permit fee and additional $7/night per person camping fees, payable at the time of permit issuance. Arrive early the day before your intended trip start date for the best campsite availability. Backpackers on longer trips (4 or more nights) may take walk-in sites well in advance. However, that does not mean those sites will be available at all times. Approximately 30% of all sites in a campground are set aside for walk-in campers. Wilderness permits may be available the day before or day of a desired trip start date. Watching the Backcountry Camping Video is mandatory prior to getting a permit. Recreation on the Blackfeet Reservation.Nyack / Coal Creek Camping Zone (at-large or undesignated camping).The following information takes you from a broad overview of the permitting process to the specific steps needed to refine your plan and enjoy a wilderness adventure in Glacier. The park’s wilderness camping program is designed to minimize resource impacts while providing positive visitor experiences. For additional information on the Wilderness concept and the park's recommended wilderness areas, visit our Wilderness in Glacier page. Remaining undeveloped, with minimal mechanization and modern influence, wilderness lands provide outstanding opportunities for solitude and primitive, unconfined recreation.

Recommended wilderness lands are managed differently than front-country or backcountry areas, and are managed with minimal human manipulation of a diverse, intact, natural ecosystem.

National Park Service policy requires that the park’s character not be degraded and remain unimpaired for future use and enjoyment. Glacier was recommended for inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation System in 1974. Please visit the Wilderness Permit Advance Reservations page for details and procedures for obtaining advance reservations this year. A one-day lottery for large group permits will be available on Pay.gov on March 1. Wilderness camping reservations will be available on beginning on March 15. Glacier National Park is transitioning to the online reservation system.